I have some disjointed complaining to do about the primaries so please bear with me.

I’m ready for all of this nonsense to be over. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really glad that people in states that haven’t voted yet still get to feel like their votes matter. It’s about time we were all engaged in the future of the country and the democratic process.

I don’t mind the contest, I don’t mind that there is not a presumptive nominee – I am over our candidates (all of them) fabricating weaknesses to get ahead. That’s not the world I want to live in, and guess what…that’s not going to fix the economy or change America’s status in the world.

Yes Hillary, it IS about personality and not substance. Haven’t the last eight years of the Bush regime taught us that? That substance isn’t really a key voting factor for the American people… And let’s be honest, voting is totally emotional. Why else did women rise up after being spanked by Gloria Steinem? I even had to pause to see if I felt like it was important that a woman get a fair shake and if that really meant that Hillary should have my vote even if she wasn’t my first choice in the race.

Guess what Barak, I support you AND I believe that Hillary was really against NAFTA from the start. Can you imagine the wife of a sitting president actively voicing dissent for a major policy change to the public? Once you start moving forward on that kind of initiative everyone jumps on board or the ship is in serious peril. An actively dissenting wife (or cabinet member, or VP or any other spokesperson for an administration) is not the kind of gift you give to the modern media.

While we’re on this tangential tear, please, oh please dear media, stop trying to slice and dice us all into oblivion. If the demographers are to be believed, my vote should break out into a million little pieces: Latino, woman, college- educated, youth…OK, maybe not youth.

It recently occurred to me that when the media talks about the youth vote, they’re not really talking about me. In fact, no one seems to talk about my generation much. (Gen X if you didn’t guess.) It’s like we’ve disappeared, the slackers the media believes we are and the demographic too small for the retailers to care about. I won’t shed any tears over that, flying under the radar is a talent I’m willing to cultivate.